Studio Shamah

“And The Water Was A Wall For Them”

Sale Price: $380 $350

Japanese Watercolor, Gold Leaf, Bombay Ink, Arches Paper, A4 in Black Frame

Influenced by travel advertisements of the pre-state Mandate, and Hokusai’s Great Wave off Kanagawa, this Studio Shamah piece is a modern telling of the Exodus and the Splitting of the Sea aims to present both a multi-cultural aesthetic form, as well as hint at the “facelessness” felt by women of the religious community – whose faces are cropped out of newspaper articles, or spray painted over on billboards. Were the women who followed Moses and crossed the sea to freedom, faceless as well?

The Hebrew text flanking the freed Israelite is from the book of Exodus (Parashat BeShalah, Exodus 14:22)
ויבאו בני ישראל בתוך הים ביבשה והמים להם חומה מימינם ומשמאלם

The Children of Israel came within the sea onto dry land, and the water was a wall for them, on their right and on their left.

“And The Water Was A Wall For Them”