Studio Shamah

Ohelibah: Quiet on the Mountain & Memory – Newly Released Book!

Two poetic cycles spanning thousands of years and dozens of themes – Ohelibah is an original work of art and poetry which engages with the complexities of Jewish life and belief in contemporary Jerusalem.

Yonah ben Avraham is a Jewish activist, educator, and poet. Although having lived most of his early life on Cape Cod in Massachusetts, ben Avraham returned to Jerusalem in 2016. As a leader in the Vision movement, ben Avraham works towards justice, peace, and liberation in the Land and beyond. He is currently enrolled at Harvard University, where he studies anthropology and the history of religions.

P. Moshe Shamah of Studio Shamah is a Jerusalem based artist and researcher of the human condition. His work aims to capture the convergence of old and new, of antiquity and futurism, as it relates to the Jewish tradition, Sepharadi culture and world history. Bridging the gap between mixed-media collage and calligraphy, or more broadly, the art of words, Shamah aims to stimulate dialogue across the breadth of cultures and thought traditions.

Published by Izzun Books, released on May 8th, photo credit belongs to the publisher – all image and text rights belong to the authors

Ohelibah: Quiet on the Mountain & Memory – Newly Released Book!