Studio Shamah

Maimuni Mixed-Media Series

SALE: $350+ Shipping, A4 Mixed-Media Piece, Black Frame (Package Price: All Three Piece for $1000 + Shipping)

These three collages are part of a limited series of original mixed-media works, made in collaboration between Studio Shamah & Maimuni: The Pan-Sepharadi Revolution. The works explore the expression and history of the Jewish people, as told through the image and symbolism of Sepharadi Rabbi, Doctor, and Philosopher, Maimonides (Moses Ibn Maimon). The goal of the Maimuni Project is to revitalize contemporary Jewish culture, and reintroduce the philosophies, teachings, and poetry of Sepharadi leaders of centuries past. These three works are the original piece, implemented in a larger series of design, and adding them to your collection allows you to own a part of history and cultural influence for generations to come!

Maimuni Mixed-Media Series