Among the many fields which have been devastated by the current pandemic of COVID-19, arts and culture have been at the forefront of jobs and institutions to suffer. As artists, the confinement to our homes, and the respective loss of financial and emotional stability come hand-in-hand with the necessary quarantine measure put in place across the world. While museums, galleries, and opening nights have been canceled across the world, including our native Israel, virtual exhibitions and artist collaboration help in continuing our creative drives, and Studio Shamah is committed to helping create networks and communities of artists during this challenging period. The goal of this virtual exhibition is to explore the coping mechanisms, and more importantly the anxieties and instabilities afflicted upon the artist during this time period. Your submitted piece should directly explore these themes in order to be considered for this virtual exhibition. All pieces deemed irrelevant to the theme, regardless of their quality, will not be considered: -How has the current pandemic, and the subsequent quarantine affected your mental and physical health? What have you lost? A Friend or Relative? Exhibition Opportunities? Studio Spaces? Financial Stability? Artistic Will and Creative Energy? The feeling of being devalued as an artist?
-Did you Contract Coronavirus, and if so, how difficult was the fight and recovery? -How are you managing the chaos and lack of control which comes with complete closures and the confrontation with an enemy which does not discriminate, and can not be seen? -How has Coronavirus negatively affected your lifestyle? Your home life? Your relationships? Your headspace? What are the raw emotions that you’re feeling as a byproduct, and how can you express that in your submitted piece?
-Do you have any hope, vision, or despair at what the world will look like in the aftermath of this pandemic?
Submissions can be of any medium of art, limited to any form of painting, photography, collage, or a recorded dance rendition. In addition to this pieces of poetry and creative writing will be accepted for the book which will be made available during the online exhibition.
-Please send all submissions to shamah@studioshamah.com, submissions will not be accepted over Facebook Messenger, text, or any other location.
-All submissions must be made by November 20th, with high resolution photographs (TIFF or JPEG-12 files) or video of the pieces in question, as well as a description of the work, (including size, medium, material) artist’s bio, and a link to your portfolio (if applicable or relevant).
-There is no submission fee. If you would like to make your piece available for sale on our site during the virtual exhibition, Studio Shamah will retain 10% of each sale, which will be managed directly between the artist and Studio Shamah. Sale and shipping of the object will be facilitated between the artist and their respective customer. Additionally, we ask that you donate 5% of your profit to your preferred local charity which is assisting people during this difficult time.
-Artists from all countries, backgrounds, and fields are welcome to submit their pieces. The benefit of a virtual exhibition is the ability to bring together a diverse amount of artists for a mutual creative endeavour.
-Each artist can submit four unique pieces, or a series in it’s entirety. Each artist may submit up to four written pieces, not exceeding 5000 characters. (If you would like a specific excerpt of a larger piece to be included, please include the entire piece, as well as the section you are submitting for consideration in a separate file)
For all further clarifications on presentation, what is necessary for a submission, etc. you are welcome to reach out with any questions at the email address noted above.